published according to the results of geochemical works (1982-2015)
- Delineation of promising horizons and forecasting of oil-and-gas accumulation regions along the dispersed gases of the rocks of the Siberian Platform / V.D. Dorokhin, V.P. Isaev, V.I. Korolyov, N.P. Pastukhov, et al., Theses of the sixth regional conference lecture. -Krasnoyarsk: NTO, 1984. -p.37-38.
- Geochemical survey of seismic explosive wells in the search for oil and gas in Eastern Siberia / E.V. Stadnik, V.P. Isaev, I. Korolev, N.P. Pastukhov -Geology of oil and gas. -N1. -1985. -p.19-23.
- V.P. Isaev, V.I. Korolev, N.P. Pastukhov. The integration of direct methods based on the paragenesis of geophysical and geochemical fields in the sedimentary cover of the Siberian Platform //Theses of the seventh regional conference lecture. NTO Publishing, 1985. -p.165.
- V.P. Isaev, V.I. Korolev, N.P. Pastukhov. Paragenetic features of the geochemical and geophysical fields’ structure in the hydrocarbon dispersion halo // Simulation of the geochemical field. -M.: All-Union Scientific Research, Design and Technological Institute of Geological, Geophysical and Geochemical Information Systems of the USSR Ministry of Geology, 1986. -c.110-117.
- V.P. Isaev, V.I. Korolev, N.P. Pastukhov. Structure of the gas field of oil and gas bearing areas of the south of the Siberian platform // Geology and minerals of the south of Eastern Siberia. -Irkutsk, the South Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, 1989, -2 h. -p.93-95.
- In-depth study of the results of geochemical and geophysical studies in productive deposits of the Yaraktinsko-Ayansky area / L.M. Zorkin, V.P. Isaev, V.I. Korolev, N.P. Pastukhov // Soviet Geology, 1985. -N10. -p.45-51.
- V.I. Korolev, N.P. Pastukhov, E.P. Kostuchenkova. Regularities in the variation of the gas field of the ancient sediments of the south of the Siberian Platform // Gas-geochemical methods of prospecting for minerals in the South Caspian basin and framing mountain systems. -Baku, 1989. -p.80-82.
- V.I. Korolev, N.P. Pastukhov. Results of geochemical studies of seismic explosion wells in prospecting for oil and gas. // Technology of oil and gas prospecting geochemical studies in the “Air-Earth-Well” system. -M.: All-Union Scientific Research, Design and Technological Institute of Geological, Geophysical and Geochemical Information Systems of the USSR Ministry of Geology, 1990. -p.68-74.
- Paragenetic associations of physical and chemical processes in the hydrocarbon dispersion halos in the south of the Siberian platform / V.P. Isaev, V.I. Korolev, N.P. Pastukhov and others. //Proceedings of the Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas. -1988. -N212.-p.57-60.
- N.P. Pastukhov, P.V. Inkhireev. Zoning of the composition of dispersed gases of the terrigenous complex of the south of the Siberian Platform // Geology and minerals of Eastern Siberia. -Irkutsk. Irkutsk Institute. -1987. -p.92-94.
- N.P. Pastukhov Results of geothermal sounding of surface deposits of the Bratsk gas condensate field // Geology and minerals of Eastern Siberia. Theses of the conference lecture. -Irkutsk. Irkutsk Institute.-1982. -p.80.
- N.P. Pastukhov, A.F. Sapronov. Paragenetic aspects of geochemical and geophysical fields over deposits of oil and gas in the south of the Siberian Platform // Geology and minerals of Eastern Siberia. Theses of the regional conference lecture.
-Irkutsk, the South Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources. -1985. -p.50-52.
- A.N. Tereshenko, N.P. Pastukhov. Analysis of the results of direct geophysical and geochemical studies on oil and gas in the western part of the Angara-Lensk oil and gas bearing area // Provision of scientific and technical progress in geophysical research in Eastern Siberia. Irkutsk. The South Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, 1987 -p.58-66.
- I. Drobot, V.P. Plaskin and others. Experimental and methodical work on the characterization of the hydrocarbon component of productive carbonate horizons at the Danilov Prognostic Test Site. Report on topic 1423419185. The South Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, Irkutsk, 1991.-161 p.(ch..3.2, 6, 7.1).
- V.P. Isaev, A.K. Bitner, N.P. Pastukhov About the Forecast of oil and gas content from gas well metering data (on the example of the southwestern Siberian Platform / Geology and Geophysics №2 / Novosibirsk, publishing house Science, SB, 1989, p.109-115.
- A.N. Tereshenko, N.P. Pastukhov. Evaluation of prospects of oil and gas content of carbonate deposits by a set of geological, geophysical and geochemical criteria. Information on scientific and technical achievements. No. 43-88: The Publishing House of Irkutsk Center for Scientific and Technical Information, Irkutskt, 1988, p. 4.
- A.N. Tereshenko, N.P. Pastukhov. A set of criteria for the regional forecast of oil and gas potential. Information on scientific and technical achievements. No. 85-54: The Publishing House of Irkutsk Center for Scientific and Technical Information, Irkutskt, 1985, p. 4.
- V.P. Isaev, N.P. Pastukhov. The method of geothermal sounding of near-surface deposits on seismic exploration wells in the prospecting of hydrocarbon deposits. Information on scientific and technical achievements. No. 177-.: The Publishing House of Irkutsk Center for Scientific and Technical Information, Irkutskt, 1983, p. 4.
- V.P. Isaev, N.P. Pastukhov. The method of gas metering of seismic wells in the geochemical prospecting of oil and gas. Information on scientific and technical achievements. No. 175-83: The Publishing House of Irkutsk Center for Scientific and Technical Information, Irkutskt, 1983, p. 4. 20. V.P. Isaev, V.I. Korolev, V.S. Mikheev, N.P. Pastukhov. Rational set of methods for geochemical sampling of seismic wells in oil and gas prospecting in Eastern Siberia. Information on scientific and technical achievements. No. 176-83: The Publishing House of Irkutsk Center for Scientific and Technical Information, Irkutskt, 1983, p. 4.
- N.P. Pastukhov, A.F. Sapronov. Regularities in the distribution of parameters of geochemical and geophysical fields in the productive horizon of the Yarakta deposit. /Lecture theses of the 11th conference of young scientific collaborators.- Irkutsk. The Institute of Earth’s Crust.-1983. p.213.
- A.N. Dzuba, V.I. Pospeev, A.N. Tereshenko, N.P. Pastukhov Deep geotectonic and geochemical indicators of the earth’s crust degassing in the south of the Siberian platform // Lecture theses of Meeting “Degassing of the Earth, and geotectonics”. -M.: 1985. p.146.
- N.P. Pastukhov, A.F. Sapronov, Paragenetic aspects of geochemical and geophysical fields over deposits of oil and gas in the south of the Siberian platform // Lecture theses of the regional conference- Irkutsk, the South Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources.- 1985. p.50-52. 24. V.P. Isaev, V.I. Korolev, N.P. Pastukhov. The integration of direct prospecting methods based on the paragenesis of geophysical and geochemical fields in the sedimentary cover of the Siberian Platform //Lecture theses of the seventh regional conference -Krasnoyarsk: 1985-p.165.
- V.P. Isaev, V.I. Korolev, N.P. Pastukhov. Paragenetic features of the structure of geochemical and geophysical fields in the hydrocarbon dispersion halo // Modeling of the geochemical field. – M .: All-Union Scientific Research, Design and Technological Institute of Geological, Geophysical and Geochemical Information Systems of the USSR Ministry of Geology. -1986. p.110-115.
- A.N. Tereshenko, N.P. Pastukhov. Analysis of the results of direct geophysical and geochemical studies on oil and gas in the western part of the Angara-Lensk oil and gas bearing area // Provision of scientific and technical progress in geophysical research in Eastern Siberia.- Irkutsk: the South Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources.-1987. p. 58-66.
- A.I. Artemeva, G.I. Nedzelskaya, I.N. Tereshenko, N.P. Pastukhov. Geological structure and prospects of oil and gas content of the western slope of the Nepa anticlinal fold. Dep. In All-Union Institute of Scientific and Technical Information – Irkutsk: The South Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources. -1988. -157 p.
- V.P. Isaev, V.I. Korolev, N.P. Pastukhov. Paragenetic associations of physical and chemical parameters in the hydrocarbon dispersion halos in the south of the Siberian platform // Proceedings of the Moscow Institute of Oil and Gas. -1988.-no.212.p.57-60.
- V.I. Korolev, N.P. Pastukhov. Results of geochemical studies of seismic explosion wells in prospecting for oil and gas. // Technology of oil and gas prospecting geochemical studies in the “Air-Earth-Well” system. -M.: All-Union Scientific Research, Design and Technological Institute of Geological, Geophysical and Geochemical Information Systems of the USSR Ministry of Geology. -1990.p.68-74.
- N.P. Pastukhov, B.S. Lontsikh, G.N. Karataeva. Modeling the effect of hydrocarbons on the mineral composition and physical properties of rocks // Geology and minerals of Eastern Siberia. -Irkutsk, Institute of Earth’s Crust, the Siberian Branch of the USST Academy of Sciences. -1990. -p.110-111.
- N.P. Pastukhov, B.S. Lontsikh, A.S. Klushkina. The role of secondary mineral formation in the change of the lithophysical properties of overproductive deposits. // Features of technology of geochemical methods of oil and gas field prospecting. -Almaty: All-Union Scientific Research, Design and Technological Institute of Geological, Geophysical and Geochemical Information Systems of the USSR Ministry of Geology. -1990. p.33-34.
- E.P. Kostuchenkova, N.P. Pastukhov, V.I. Olbik. Influence of halos of dispersed gases on the structure of geophysical fields in the sedimentary section of the Yarakta gas and oil field. //Lecture theses of the first conference of young scientists. -Irkutsk State University, 1983. p.3.
- N.P. Pastukhov, P.V. Inkhireev, N.V. Gorina. Geochemical criteria for assessing the petroleum potential of Cambrian deposits in the western part of the Angara-Lena oil and gas bearing area. //Lecture theses of the regional scientific conference. -Irkutsk. Irkutsk Institute. -1985. -p.134-135.
- N.P. Pastukhov Results of geothermal sounding of surface deposits of the Bratsk gas condensate field. //Lecture theses of the scientific conference. Geology and minerals of Eastern Siberia-Irkutsk. Irkutsk Institute. -1982. -p.82-83.
- N.P. Pastukhov, V.M. Gurevskiy Towards the methodology of studying gases, rocks and waters in the geochemical prospecting of oil and gas in Eastern Siberia. – In the book: Theory and methodology of geochemical prospecting of oil and gas deposits on the Siberian platform. Irkutsk, 1982, p.82-89.
- Fundamentals of the theory of geochemical hydrocarbon accumulation fields. /I.S. Starobinec, A.V. Petukhov, S.L. Zubayraev and others.: Ed. A.V. Petukhov, I.S. Starobinec. – M. :Nedr, 1983. -332 с. (Chapters 3.2, 5.4, 6.2,6.3).
- Forecasting of hydrocarbon deposits by the structure of bonds of components of dispersed rock gases./ V.P. Isaev, V.A. Gusev, V.I. Korolev, E.P. Kostuchenkova, N.P.Pastukhov.: Lecture theses of the All-Union Conference: Geology and minerals of the south of Eastern Siberia.-Irkutsk, 1984.p.122-124.
- N.P. Pastukhov Modern eco-analytical instruments for environmental monitoring. In the book. Modern problems of ecology, nature management and resource conservation of the Baikal region. Irkutsk, 1998, p.218.
- N.P. Pastukhov Geochemical support of geophysical works in oil and gas prospecting in the south of the Siberian platform. -Collection of proceedings of the scientific and production conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the “Irkutskgeofizika” enterprise “Geological and geophysical methods of forecasting and prospecting for minerals in Eastern Siberia.” Irkutsk: Irkutsk National Research Technical University Publishing House, 2010, p.77-81.
- N.P. Pastukhov “Interrelation of geochemical and geophysical fields in superproductive complexes of oil and gas deposits of the south of the Siberian platform. The abstract from the dissertation of candidate in geology and minerals. M. All-Union Scientific Research, Design and Technological Institute of Geological, Geophysical and Geochemical Information Systems of the USSR Ministry of Geology, 1992. -22 p.
- V.P. Isaev, V.A. Gusev, V.I. Korolev, E.P. Kostuchenkova, N.P. Pastukhov. Forecasting of hydrocarbon deposits by the structure of bonds of components of dispersed rock gases. Lecture theses Of All-union conference “Geology and Minerals of the South of Eastern Siberia”. The South Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, Irkutsk, 1984, p. 122-123.
- N.P. Pastukhov, E.P. Kostuchenkova. The role of lithological and tectonic factors in the formation of geochemical fields in the sedimentary cover over hydrocarbon deposits in the south of the Siberian platform. Lecture theses of the scientific conference. “Geology and minerals of Eastern Siberia”. Irkutsk, 1984, p.101-102.
- A.N. Tereshenko, N.P. Pastukhov. Prospects of oil and gas potential in the western part of the Angara-Lena step by geothermal indicators. Lecture theses of the scientific conference. “Geology and minerals of Eastern Siberia”. Irkutsk, 1984, p.111-114
- N.P. Pastukhov Geoecological studies of the oil contamination site in the area of Upper Markovo settlement. Materials of the Scientific and Practical Conference, Irkutsk, 1977. p.60.
- N.P. Pastukhov, A.N. Tereshenko, P.V. Inkhireev. Prospects of oil and gas potential of the Angara-Katang interfluve based on deep well gasometry. Lecture theses of the seventh regional scientific-practical conference “Conclusion and the direction of prospecting for oil and gas in the Krasnoyarsk Territory”. Krasnoyarsk, 1985, p.72-74.
- N.V Gorina, P.V. Inkhireev, N.P. Pastukhov. Prospects of oil and gas potential in the western part of the Angara-Lensk oil and gas bearing area based on the results of gas logging. Lecture theses of the regional conference “Forecasting and prospecting for deposits of minerals in Eastern Siberia”. Irkutsk, 1985, p.78-79.
- V.I. Korolev, N.P. Pastukhov. Integration of geochemical and geophysical studies in oil and gas prospecting in the south of the Siberian Platform. //Lecture theses of seminar “Geochemical prospecting of oil and gas fields”. -Irkutsk. -1987. p.44-45.
- N.P. Pastukhov, E.G. Prokhorenko. Study of the dispersed organic matter of near-surface sediments along the seismic wells sludge. Materials of the Scientific and Practical Conference, Irkutsk, 1983. p.100-102.
- N.P. Pastukhov Geochemical zoning of the dispersed gases of oil and gas bearing complexes of the Nepsky anticlinal fold’s western slope. Lecture theses of scientific conference “Geology and Minerals of the South of Eastern Siberia”. -Irkutsk. ISU. -1988. p.113-114.
- N.P. Pastukhov Regularities of distribution of dispersed gases in the sedimentary section of the Bratsk gas condensate field. //Lecture theses of inter-republic Student Scientific Conference “”Geochemical methods ofoil and gas prospecting.-Ivano-Frankovsk”. -1983.p.92-93.
- V.D. Dorokhin, V.P. Isaev, V.I. Korolev, E.P. Kostuchenkova, N.P. Pastukhov. Delineation of promising horizons and forecasting areas of oil and gas accumulation from the dispersed gases of sedimentary rocks of the Siberian Platform. Lecture theses of the sixth regional scientific and practical conference “Oil and gas bearing complexes of perspective lands of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Krasnoyarsk, 198437-39.
- A.N. Tereshenko, A.P. Sokolov, N.P. Pastukhov. Some regularities of the distribution of hydrocarbons in the subsalt terrigenous deposits of the Bratsk-Ilim interfluve. //Lecture theses of the scientific conference. Irkutsk. ISU, 1983 -p.84-86.
- N.P. Pastukhov, A.F. Sapronov. Interrelation of geophysical and geochemical fields in the sedimentary section of oil and gas deposits // Geology and minerals of Eastern Siberia. Lecture theses of the scientific conference-Irkutsk, ISU -1983. -p.87-88.
- V.P. Plaskin, N.P. Pastukhov. Analysis of the results of some geochemical and geophysical studies at the Daniloskideposit // Geology and minerals of Eastern Siberia. Lecture theses of the scientific conference. -Irkutsk, ISU -1986. -p.205-206.
- E.P. Kostuchenkova, N.P. Pastukhov, V.A. Olbik. Influence of halos of dispersed gases on the structure of geophysical fields in the sedimentary section of the Yarakta gas and oil field //The First Conference of Young Scientists-. Lecture theses of the scientific conference-Irkutsk, ISU -1983. -p.3.
- N.P. Pastukhov. S.A. Konstantinov, G.A. Fedorov. Geological and geochemical indicators of reservoir saturation assessment in the sedimentary section of the Myrninsky anticlinal fold of the Nepsko-Botuobin anteclise, in the collection of scientific works “Geology and minerals of Eastern Siberia., ISU, Irkutsk, 2013, p.183-191.
- Pastukhov NP, Salmanov DA, Shchukin VA Forecast of oil and gas content of carbonate reservoirs in the sedimentary section of the Markhachanskaya area (Yakutia) by geological and geochemical indicators. – in collection of scientific works “Geology and minerals of Eastern Siberia., ISU, Irkutsk, 2013, p.192-195.
- Physicochemical modeling of processes., / V.P. Isaev, V.A. Bychinsky, N.P. Pastukhov and others, in the collection of lecture theses of the int. conference. GeoBailak-14, Irkutsk, 18-22-09.2014
- O.V. Kalinina, N.P. Pastukhov Forecast of oil and gas saturation of terrigenous and carbonate reservoirs in the western part of ALS by geochemical data. – in the collection of lecture theses of int. conference GeoBailak-14, Irkutsk, 18-22-09.2014
- I.A. Upkhoeva, N.P. Pastukhov, M.V. Cherkasov. Assessment of oil and gas content of Riphean-Vendian and Cambrian sediments in the Aldan-Amgin interfluve by geochemical methods. – In the collection of lecture theses of int. conference GeoBailak-14, Irkutsk, 18-22-09.2014
- A.M. Leontev, N.P. Pastukhov, D.B. Salmanov. Geochemical forecast of local oil and gas accumulation zones in the Sjugerskaya anticline (Olguidakhskaya area). In the collection of lecture theses of int. conference GeoBailak-14, Irkutsk, 18-22-09.2014
- Technological features of geochemical studies in integration with geophysical methods for oil and gas prospecting in Eastern Siberia / V.I. Vasiliev, K.V. Yakovenko, V.P. Isaev, N.P. Pastukhov. / In the coll. of lecture theses of the first scientific and practical conference “Geology, geophysics and mineral raw materials of Siberia”, Novosibirsk, 29-31.01.2014.
- Geological structure and prospects of the oil and gas potential of the northwestern slope of the Aldan Anteclise (Marhachanskaya area) by geophysical and geochemical data / A.V. Pogadaev, S.B. Myachev, V.A. Dyakonova, A.P. Obolkin, N.P. Pastukhov, et al. – In the coll. of lecture theses of the first scientific and practical conference “Geology, geophysics and mineral raw materials of Siberia”, Novosibirsk, 29-31.01.2014.
- Forecasting of the geological section (FGS) and assessment of oil and gas prospects by geological and geophysical data at OAO Irkutskgeofizika – V.D. Klikova, V.I. Vasilyev, V.A. Vashenko, S.V. Gashenko, A.M. Pashevin, N. R. Trufanova, N.P. Pastukhov – In the coll. of lecture theses of the first scientific and practical conference “Geology, geophysics and mineral raw materials of Siberia”, Novosibirsk, 29-31.01.2014.
- O.V. Kalinina, N.P. Pastukhov, A.C. Leontev. Localization of the Modern Hydrocarbon Fluid Unloading Zones in the Sedimentary Section of Oil and Gas Fields by Geochemical Methods -.-In the Collection of Lecture Theses of the second Scientific and Practical Conference “Geology, Geophysics And Mineral Raw Materials of Siberia”, the South Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, Novosibirsk, 21-24.-4 2015
- O.V. Kalinina, N.P. Pastukhov, A.C. Leontev. Lithological and geochemical Criteria for the Estimation of the Productivity of the Section Based on the example of Tas-Yuryakhsky OGCF. – In the Collection of Lecture Theses of the second Scientific and Practical Conference “Geology, Geophysics And Mineral Raw Materials of Siberia”, the South Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, Novosibirsk, 21-24.-4 2015
- V.P. Isaev, V.A. Bichinski, N.P. Pastukhov/Thermodynamic models of generation and evolution of hydrocarbon systems in the Riphean-Vendian sediments of the Sjugger saddle in connection with the forecast of oil and gas potential – in the collection of the lecture theses of the second scientific and practial conference “Geology, Geophysics And Mineral Raw Materials of Siberia”, the South Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, Novosibirsk, 21-24.-4 2015
- V.P. Isaev, N.P. Pastukhov. Modern geochemical technologies and their efficiency in the regional forecast of oil and gas potential in poorly studied areas of the Siberian Platform / In the collection of the lecture theses of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Regional geochemical works as a basis for assessing ore content and oil and gas potential of the territory”. M, Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Elements, 21.04.2015.
- N.P. Pastukhov, A.S. Leontev. The structure of the gas-geochemical field of the oil-and-gas bearing regions of the south of the Siberian Platform / In the collection of the lecture theses of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Regional geochemical works as a basis for assessing ore content and oil and gas potential of the territory”. M, Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Elements, 21.04.2015.
- N.P. Pastukhov, A.M. Leontev. Localization of HC saturation zones in the upper parts of the sedimentary section over oil and gas deposits by detailed geochemical methods. – International Conference “Geochemical Methods of Research: Technologies, Innovations, Development”, Krasnoyarsk, JSC “Gazprom”, September 13 – September 15, 2017.
- Pastukhov, D.B. Salmanov. Experience in predicting the oil and gas content of the Mesozoic deposits of the Zee-Bureinskaya depression by geochemical methods. International conference “Geochemical methods of research: technologies, innovations, development”, Krasnoyarsk, JSC “Gazprom”, September 13 – September 15, 2017.
- A.V. Levin, O.V. Kalinina Estimation of oil and gas saturation of Vendian terrigenous reservoirs in the southern part of ALS by results of complex geochemical works. – International conference “Geochemical methods of research: technologies, innovations, development”, Krasnoyarsk, JSC “Gazprom”, September 13 – September 15, 2017.
- V.P. Isaev, N.P. Pastukhov. Ways to improve the efficiency of oil and gas prospecting geochemistry in Eastern Siberia through the introduction of innovative technologies – International conference “Geochemical methods of research: technologies, innovations, development”, Krasnoyarsk, JSC “Gazprom”, September 13 – September 15, 2017.
- S.V. Gachenko, N.P. Pastukhov, L.A. Kolga. Comprehensive assessment of oil and gas content in the See-Bureya depression by geophysical and geochemical methods / Materials of the 2nd scientific and practical conference, 9-10.11.2017, Irkutsk, JSC “Rosgeo”, p.22-25.
- Principles of the integration of geochemical and geophysical methods at the regional and exploratory stage of oil and gas exploration in Eastern Siberia (V.P. Isaev, N.P. Pastukhov, V.D. Klikova et al.) – Materials of the second scientific-practical conference, 9-10.11.2017, Irkutsk, JSC “Rosgeo”, p.33-36.