Production and geological company Sibgeocom LLC is a service provider that has been performing geochemical and ecological works for over 20 years in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. The company was established under the state industrial and scientific enterprises of Irkutsk.
The company focuses on geochemical prospecting and exploration of hydrocarbon deposits, ore and precious metals, and geo-ecological research. Sibgeocom LLC performs a full cycle of geological prospecting, including design, field, and chemical and analytical work, complex processing, and interpretation of the results obtained, including the linkage of the latter with geological and geophysical data. The geochemical studies are carried out in 2D, 3D, and 4D modifications. It also involves a computer modeling of oil and gas systems on a thermodynamic basis (analog of basin modeling). The final stage involves a computer modeling of lithological, gas, and geochemical processes in the dispersion halo over hydrocarbon accumulations (solving the direct problem of geochemistry). Based on the results of ground geochemical studies, geochemical fields are modeled in the lower half-space at the level of potentially productive complexes with delineation of oil-gas-saturated reservoirs (solution of the inverse problem of geochemistry).
The company includes field units that carry out ground geochemical and ecological works and oilfield geochemical surveys on deep and core wells. Field samples (soils, rocks, natural waters, and gases) analyzed in the company’s specialized chemical analytical laboratory, certified in the Rosacreditation system.
The company’s priorities are safe working conditions, social protection of employees, and environmental protection. The company has a quality system by GOST ISO 9001-2011 and ISO 9001: 2008.
The company can perform all-season field researches by geological tasks: in water, snow, air, and near-surface deposits, in different climatic and geological conditions of Siberia and the Far East.
The company has established itself as a responsible, reliable, and efficient partner in the market of geological, geochemical, and environmental services in Russia and beyond.
The company maintains close scientific contacts with Irkutsk’s leading educational institutions and profile institutes of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.
The company has its production base with offices, a chemical analytical laboratory, a garage, a warehouse complex, and a service center for machinery and equipment’s repair and maintenance.
We invite you to work with us.