It is carried out on a thermodynamic basis using PC “Selector-C” for solving a wide range of tasks, including:
- evaluation of different catagenesis degree types of DOM of potentially oil and gas horizons (OGH);
- identification of DOM oil-production potential in a wide range of depths and RT conditions;
- modeling of oil and gas formation processes with identification of hydrocarbon generation foci of different phase and component composition (analog of basin modeling);
- study of the phase and component composition evolution of hydrocarbon systems in migration paths and accumulation zones;
- evaluation of thermodynamic conservation conditions of hydrocarbon accumulation systems;
- creation of thermodynamically equilibrium multi-reservoir models: DOM-rock-gas-solution at different R-T conditions and depths;
- identification of the volume ratio of generated liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons, as well as their group and component composition in heterogeneous systems;
- study of litho-gas-geochemical processes in the dispersion halos over hydrocarbon accumulations (the solution of the direct problem of oil and gas geochemistry);
- development and justification of new geochemical criteria and indicators of oil and gas habitat in new poorly studied regions;
- development of models of thermodynamically equilibrium systems: “rock-solution-HC fluid” in the reservoir during the development of oil and gas fields;
- assessment of the impact of drilling fluids of different composition on reservoir rocks and edge water;
- modeling of hydrate formation processes and degradation of frozen rocks in the sedimentary section of oil and gas fields.