The identification of deep fluid discharge foci and associated radon, thermal and mineral waters in the territory of Eastern Siberia and the Far East is an urgent task in terms of the use of non-traditional energy (geothermal and hydrogen sources) and the development of the resort and sanatorium infrastructure.
The outputs of deep fluids are usually confined to active tectonic zones, such as the Baikal rift region, which includes Baikal, Buryatia, Zabaikalsky Krai, and other areas, also featuring “natural hydrogen” outputs with discharge within deep snaps of different rank and “ring” type structures.
The discharge foci of deep fluids (gases and waters) are usually confined to active geodynamic zones (tectonically weakened sections of the basement and sedimentary cover, snaps of different rank, and their intersection). The latter, at the same time, manifests themselves in the form of anomalous fields of concentrations of helium, radon, hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide in various natural environments, i.e. in surface and deep waters, rocks of the crystalline basement, and sedimentary cover and underground gases.
On the earth’s surface, deep gas emanations are fixed in the form of micro concentrations and they are determined, in most cases, by supersensitive field instruments (helium, radon, methane, hydrogen analyzers) and gas-liquid chromatography methods in fix-site laboratories.
The company has developed geochemical methods of prospecting for discharge zones (foci) of mineral and thermal waters, as well as outputs of deep gases (hydrogen, helium, methane, etc.). Moreover, the active “natural hydrogen” outputs together with geothermal sources can serve as a basis for the development of non-traditional renewable heat and electric power industry in the regions of Siberia and the Far East.
Mapping of active snaps and discharge zones of deep fluids