The helium surveying is carried out on surface waters and near-surface deposits, in combination with gas and geochemical and hydro-geochemical works, as well as in studying the composition of water-dissolved and free gases of formation fluids of deep wells, with special hydrogeological and geological studies.
The identification of helium is carried out on helium field analyzer INGEM-1 (2), PDF-4 and by the gas chromatography method on chromatographs with a thermal conductivity detector, with accuracy not worse than n x 10-3 – 10-6% vol.
Helium studies are performed to delineate and map deep snaps, permeable tectonic zones in the sedimentary section while assessing the “conductive” and shielding properties of tectonically weakened zones (TWZs) and disturbances, and identifying geochemical conditions of conservation of hydrocarbon accumulations.
When developing oil and gas fields, the results of helium surveying are used for:
- confirming tectonic disturbances revealed by seismic and electrical reconnaissance data;
- mapping the ground surface exit zones of tectonically weakened zones of the section;
- differentiating into “conductive” and “non-conductive” (“healed”, screening) tectonic disturbances;
- separating “conductive” tectonic disturbances into “constantly conducting or open” and time-varying ones;
- classifying “conductive” tectonic disturbances in terms of permeability for gaseous and liquid hydrocarbon compounds;
- identifying the relationship of tectonic disturbance contacts with pay zones.
The helium survey in various modifications is used in prospecting and exploration of oil and gas and ore deposits, engineering and prospecting and environmental works, prospecting for hydro-mineral raw materials, mapping out deep fluid outputs, and studying the seismic activity of areas and predicting earthquakes.