The importance of natural hydrogen for the planet and man The importance of hydrogen in the life of our planet is difficult to overestimate. Without it, there would be no water, the basis of all life, the whole habitat. Without […]
Search for natural hydrogen

More and more developed countries are switching to the use of hydrogen in both industry and energy now. Hydrogen is a perfect source of energy and an environmentally acceptable fuel. The search for natural “white” H2 is a way that […]
Territory zoning in terms of prospects, identification of oil and gas promising objects. 2020

South-Syuldyukarskoye field Carrying out field geochemical works under the project for carrying out geochemical works at a scale of 1: 200,000 in the western part of the Yuzhno-Syuldyukarsky license area, with the aim of zoning the territory according to its […]
Chemical and analytical studies of field samples. Ust-Ilimsk 2020

Performing gas geochemical works with sampling, chemical and analytical studies of field samples at the industrial site behind the Ust-Ilimsk LPK in Ust-Ilimsk.
Hydrogasogeochemical works on the geological study of hazardous processes associated with the migration of hydrocarbons. Baikal 2020

Hydrogasogeochemical works on the geological study of hazardous processes associated with the migration of hydrocarbons in the central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory (together with the staff of the FSBI “VSGI”), samples of bottom and near-surface waters were […]
Ivanovo region, Kineshma, 2020

Conducting a field gas geochemical survey of near-surface deposits in order to identify oil-gas-saturated lenses of sandstones at the site of the old oil terminal GazpromNeftTerminal in Kineshma. Performing gas chromatographic analysis of the composition of gases in soils of […]
Hydrogasogeochemical works at Baikal 2019, batch No. 1

In the continuation of hydro-gas geochemical work on the geological study of hazardous processes associated with the migration of hydrocarbons in the central ecological zone of the Baikal natural territory (together with the employees of LLC “Baikal Center”), samples of […]